Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Days Running

Today is the third day I have been throwing up. It is really getting old already. The good news is that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I am going to try to see if there is something they can give me for the nausea. I am sort of scared to take anything because my mom took some medicine for morning sickness that is now banned because it causes deformities (she thinks this is why I was pigeon-toed when I was little and had to have braces on my legs). I am hoping, though, that the doctor will be able to tell me that there have been long-term studies on certain medications and that there are some that are definitely safe.

I have been trying the home remedies (lemon, peppermint, ginger ale). So far, nothing has really helped significantly. As a matter of fact, I threw up my lemon shake-up that I have been sipping on today. Plus, the lemon burns when it comes out my nose. It is not very pleasant being prego. I just wish I could enjoy it more.

1 comment:

ch-hay duex said...

Hey, I have not read your blog in a few days... I am sorry that being prego does not suit you well. Don't worry though, the sickness is over after the 1st trimester. It will be here sooner than you know it! Amanda's friend is prego too, she is 8 weeks. She was at her house today and she was pretty sick. She says hers is all day long too, and that she has been sick since 4 weeks. Sucks, but it will leave in time and then you will have a new little baby!