Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chemical Party and the Outage

I got some medicine yesterday for my morning sickness. It has worked wonders for me so far. I am eternally grateful, because there is NO WAY I would have been able to function as sick as I was before I got this medicine. I am not even having the tired side effects, as far as I can tell. I am tired all the time from the pregnant thing anyway.

On another note, I got outed today at work by one of the few coworkers who knows I am pregnant. We are going to a conference Thursday through Saturday, and some of the people who are going are wanting to drive their own cars and ride separately. The lady who knows I am pregnant, the one who outed me, is in pretty bad health and knows I have been very sick, so today at lunch when she found out that we would be riding together alone, she said, "Now, somebody else needs to ride with us. With me being too tired to drive and her having morning sickness, we might not be able to get up there." Of course, no one else in the room knew that I was pregnant until that time. I felt badly for her. She was very embarassed and apologetic. At least I can be spared telling everyone now since they all know already.

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