Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Not to Deal with Stress

I am not sure if the pregnancy is making me emotional, if my job is making me emotional, or if the consideration of having a kid and having to bring home this much work is making me emotional. But I am EMOTIONAL right now. Hardcore EMO possibly. I cry almost every day, usually to the point of hyperventilation. I am very upset most nights when I stop and think about everything I have to do. Every second I am doing something like this, I feel guilty and don't enjoy myself because I know I have so many other responsibilities that need to addressed. I want to quit my job and do something else. I am sick of dealing with kids who do not give a shit. Don't get me wrong. Most of my kids are great. BUT the five to ten kids who do not care about themselves, their classmates, or me are causing me to dread going to work every day. Even if every kid was great, I think I would still be unhappy because of the amount of grading. I don't know if I would like the next step in my career any better, so do I stick this out and wait to move up (on the chance that I will like it?), or do I count my losses and run, then do something else?

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