Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

So I have found that pregnancy really doesn't agree with me. Perhaps I will adopt next time.

I am tired constanty, which is not really a big deal. Sure, I don't always have time for a nap, but I can tolerate being tired for a while.

What I can't tolerate is being sick all the time. I could deal with it if it was just "morning sickness," but I am just sick all day. My stomach is constantly queasy, and I am having a hard time keeping any food down the past couple of days. I didn't start throwing up until yesterday, but I threw up several times last night, over and over. Anything I ate came back up. I guess the baby doesn't like Saltine crackers or mandarin oranges. Now, I can feel it coming on again today. If I let myself, I could probably go hurl now.

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