Sunday, October 26, 2008

So what? I'm still a rock star.

No one ever said rock stars can't be sick all the time and throwing up every other day. The only difference is that usually rock stars are throwing up from excessive drug and alcohol use, and I'm throwing up because my baby wants to punish me while it has a chance since I am going to be the one doing most of the punishing for the next twenty years. My vomiting has mostly been under control while taking my medicine, and I have mostly been throwing up only when I forget to take my medicine; however, it is different now. I am starting to be sick even while on the medicine. I guess the pregnancy hormone is getting stronger in my system--to the point that my medicine can't conquer the illness. It is terrible. I feel totally incapable of participating in life. Being sick all the time blows chunks.

1 comment:

ch-hay duex said...

I am sorry that you are so sick... babies are a pain...lets hope that my baby...when he/she is conceived....does not hate me as much as yours hates you...;) I am just kidding...don't worry I hear it all goes away at like 16 weeks!! Like 8 to go!! :)