Sunday, October 26, 2008

8 Week Fetus

This is what my baby looks like right now.

So what? I'm still a rock star.

No one ever said rock stars can't be sick all the time and throwing up every other day. The only difference is that usually rock stars are throwing up from excessive drug and alcohol use, and I'm throwing up because my baby wants to punish me while it has a chance since I am going to be the one doing most of the punishing for the next twenty years. My vomiting has mostly been under control while taking my medicine, and I have mostly been throwing up only when I forget to take my medicine; however, it is different now. I am starting to be sick even while on the medicine. I guess the pregnancy hormone is getting stronger in my system--to the point that my medicine can't conquer the illness. It is terrible. I feel totally incapable of participating in life. Being sick all the time blows chunks.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chemical Party and the Outage

I got some medicine yesterday for my morning sickness. It has worked wonders for me so far. I am eternally grateful, because there is NO WAY I would have been able to function as sick as I was before I got this medicine. I am not even having the tired side effects, as far as I can tell. I am tired all the time from the pregnant thing anyway.

On another note, I got outed today at work by one of the few coworkers who knows I am pregnant. We are going to a conference Thursday through Saturday, and some of the people who are going are wanting to drive their own cars and ride separately. The lady who knows I am pregnant, the one who outed me, is in pretty bad health and knows I have been very sick, so today at lunch when she found out that we would be riding together alone, she said, "Now, somebody else needs to ride with us. With me being too tired to drive and her having morning sickness, we might not be able to get up there." Of course, no one else in the room knew that I was pregnant until that time. I felt badly for her. She was very embarassed and apologetic. At least I can be spared telling everyone now since they all know already.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Days Running

Today is the third day I have been throwing up. It is really getting old already. The good news is that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I am going to try to see if there is something they can give me for the nausea. I am sort of scared to take anything because my mom took some medicine for morning sickness that is now banned because it causes deformities (she thinks this is why I was pigeon-toed when I was little and had to have braces on my legs). I am hoping, though, that the doctor will be able to tell me that there have been long-term studies on certain medications and that there are some that are definitely safe.

I have been trying the home remedies (lemon, peppermint, ginger ale). So far, nothing has really helped significantly. As a matter of fact, I threw up my lemon shake-up that I have been sipping on today. Plus, the lemon burns when it comes out my nose. It is not very pleasant being prego. I just wish I could enjoy it more.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

So I have found that pregnancy really doesn't agree with me. Perhaps I will adopt next time.

I am tired constanty, which is not really a big deal. Sure, I don't always have time for a nap, but I can tolerate being tired for a while.

What I can't tolerate is being sick all the time. I could deal with it if it was just "morning sickness," but I am just sick all day. My stomach is constantly queasy, and I am having a hard time keeping any food down the past couple of days. I didn't start throwing up until yesterday, but I threw up several times last night, over and over. Anything I ate came back up. I guess the baby doesn't like Saltine crackers or mandarin oranges. Now, I can feel it coming on again today. If I let myself, I could probably go hurl now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Strongly Considered Names

For boys, Dad is really feeling Asher. We also both like Dexter. I know it is supposedly a serial killer or whatever, but I don't know how relevant that will be to most people since the show hasn't been on very long. We like Camden (Cam) too.

For girls, we like Essie and Claire mainly. I am getting very mixed reviews on Essie. It's one of those names that people pretty much love or hate, I think. It would be pretty hard to make fun of, though, unless kids called her Bessie. Maybe I just like it because I made it up.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh, Baby!

This is about what my baby looks like right now. Crazy...It is actually sort of starting to look like a person!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Here are some names that I/we are currently considering:

Lilliana (Lily)
Emlyn (Emmie)
Ella (Ellie)
Hadley Ceana (dad doesn't like)
Vivienne (dad doesn't like)

I am sort of leaning toward the simpler names like Claire or Paige. We will see. There is plenty of time to decide. We both like Essie, and it is the sounds of the first initials of both of us (S.C.). It is a unique name but has a classic sound, so I like it. No one else I have talked to cares for it that much, but Daddy liked it, so we will see if it stays on the list after some more discussion.

Camden (Cam)
Dexter (Dex)
Spencer (Spence)
Adrian (dad doesn't like)
Julian (dad doesn't like)
William would be the middle name

Saw that I had Cooper on my saved names on, but that is the name the BFF likes. You can have it, dawg. It is not one of my favs anyway. I have Reegan on there also, but again, not one of my ultimate fav picks.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Not to Deal with Stress

I am not sure if the pregnancy is making me emotional, if my job is making me emotional, or if the consideration of having a kid and having to bring home this much work is making me emotional. But I am EMOTIONAL right now. Hardcore EMO possibly. I cry almost every day, usually to the point of hyperventilation. I am very upset most nights when I stop and think about everything I have to do. Every second I am doing something like this, I feel guilty and don't enjoy myself because I know I have so many other responsibilities that need to addressed. I want to quit my job and do something else. I am sick of dealing with kids who do not give a shit. Don't get me wrong. Most of my kids are great. BUT the five to ten kids who do not care about themselves, their classmates, or me are causing me to dread going to work every day. Even if every kid was great, I think I would still be unhappy because of the amount of grading. I don't know if I would like the next step in my career any better, so do I stick this out and wait to move up (on the chance that I will like it?), or do I count my losses and run, then do something else?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time to Breathe Easier

I decided to start this blog so I could have somewhere to post the html code that shows what my baby looks like at this time. I thought it might be a good way to keep a sort of journal of what is going on throughout the pregnancy too, though.

Today I had my second blood test to measure my hCG levels. It was terrifying waiting to find out today if I had miscarried or not. My levels are good, though, so I am very relieved. I do have to have an ultrasound next week, and although the doctor is ordering that to make sure I am not having an ectopic pregnancy, I am really not worried because I am not displaying most of the symptoms. It is just precautionary. I am actually pretty excited about getting the opportunity to see my baby. I hope I can see the tiny speck in my uterus that will eventually become my son or daughter. The whole process is pretty amazing.

My Baby at 4 Weeks