Sunday, March 8, 2009

Woe is Me

Just since I am feeling sorry for myself, I thought I'd post the worst parts of each trimester now that I am a few days into my third trimester.

First Trimester: Hands down, the constant nausea and vomiting was the worst. I was so sick, so constantly, for so long, that I really thought I may only have one child. Now that I realize there was eventually an end, I want more kids again. Regardless, this definitely WAS the worst part of the pregnancy so far.

Second Trimester: Constipation probably took this one. While I was getting some wicked heartburn occasionally, it wasn't super frequent and was controllable when I stayed away from certain foods.

Third Trimester: Third trimester, the heartburn takes the cake since it has NOT been controllable anymore. Even water gives me heartburn sometimes. It is not fun.

We'll see what else the third trimester has in store for me. At least the morning sickness is over, and best of all, the prize at the end is totally worth it all.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Something to Remember If/When I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom

I am so angry today. At work, we took some kids to a play, and since mid- and low-track kids don't often get to go on field trips, those are the students we took. Let me just say...There is a reason mid- and low-track kids don't get a lot of opportunities for field trips, and it is because there are a few who can't handle themselves and will represent the school poorly.

I had one student refuse to go back into the play after intermission. She parked her ass in a chair, and the exchange went a little something like this:

Me: Ok, everybody, it's time to go back in. The play is starting.
Bitch Student: Can I just sit out here for the rest of the play?
Me: No.
Bitch: But I'm sick.
Me: OK, you can sit in the back corner by the door in case you need to go to the bathroom, but you have to come in with us at least.
Bitch: I don't want to.
Me: It doesn't matter. That's what you've been asked to do, so that's what you need to do. Let's go.
Bitch: I'm not going back in there.
Me: If you want to be able to go on field trips ever again, you need to do as you're told.

[By this point, two other teachers, who I will call Mrs. K and Mr. D, have noticed what is going on an come over to try to help.]

Mr. D: (angrily) Listen, this is not a negotiable point. You need to get in there. We are acting as your guardians right now.
Bitch: (yelling) You are not my guardian!
Mr. D: Yes, we are.
Bitch: (screaming at Mr. D) Get out of my face!
Mr. D: Wow, one more thing to add to the referral when we get back.
Mrs. K: Right now we are your guardians. We are the adults in charge of you, and the play is starting, so you need to get in there.
Bitch: I am sick, and she (indicating me) won't let me go throw up.
Mrs. K: You can go ahead and go to the bathroom then and then come in when you're done.
Me: No, that isn't what happened. You asked if you could sit out here rather than going back in. But really, you should have already gone to the bathroom during intermission. Instead, you sat here and laughed and goofed off with your friends. Put your phone away!
Bitch: No.
Mr. D: Listen here-
Mrs. K: (to Mr. D) Go ahead and go into the play. We'll handle this.

(Bitch continues to mess with her phone and headphones and refuse repeated requests to put the items away.)

Mrs. K: (softly) Now, if you're sick, you need to go sit in the back, and if you get sick, that's fine. Go to the bathroom and come back. But you can't sit out here.
Me: (to Mrs. K) Is there someone we can call to come get her? This is ridiculous.
Mrs. K: There's really nothing we can do right now.
Me: (to Bitch) Everything that's happening right now is just being added to your referral when we get back to school. This is your last chance to get in there and watch the play.

(Bitch is silent but refuses to move.)

Me: (to Mrs. K): Go ahead and go in there. I'll sit out here with her. I'm not leaving her out here by herself.
Mrs. K: Are you sure? Why don't you let me sit out here with her?
Me: No, go ahead. I'll do it.
Mrs. K: OK, I'm sorry.
Me: It's not YOUR fault.

(Mrs. K goes into the theater.)

Me: (to Bitch) I hope you don't ever plan on going on a field trip ever again.

(Bitch continues to text message, use her mp3 player, etc. I ignore her for the rest of the day. Eventually another teacher who is no longer watching the play comes and relieves me, and when we leave to go back to the school, Bitch and a friend intentionally get on the wrong bus because they are mad at me, which holds us up and causes us to take longer to get back to school. When I get back to school, I realize that this is the fourth time I have written this girl up, all for similar situations in which she absolutely refused to do something simple I was asking her to do. I notice also that two of the referrals only received a warning from an administrator rather than any actual punishment. I am still pissed now seven hours later. I will probably still be pissed next week.)

Later, I found out that Bitch told another teacher that she had to take an explosive poo and that she was embarrassed. Hmmmmmmmm, funny...I never remember her every going to the bathroom even after she was told she could and even after the bathroom had emptied out and everyone else was back in the theater. Bitch.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Much-Anticipated Return

It has been a hectic life so far. Sometimes I get caught up in everything I have to do to be a responsible adult, and I let more fun pursuits such as blogging slip away. Hence, I have not blogged in over two months. I am a bad soon-to-be mom.

I am loving my son more and more all the time. It is really exciting now that I can feel him kicking and moving around, although most of the time, Seth still can't feel it. I tell him the baby doesn't like him because when he is kicking really hard and Seth feels my belly, the kicking stops or softens. Maybe it is just that Seth has a soothing touch. Who knows.

We are still undecided on a name. William will be the middle name, but for a first name, Seth is stuck on Asher, and I am just not 100% sold on it. I like it, but I am not as crazy about it as Seth is. I brought up Cohen a day or so ago after Seth mistakenly said "Cohen" rather than "Curran" when he was trying to remember the name his friend Holly mentioned to him. I like the name Cohen William. I think Cohen sounds distinguished and cool but also not super unique or trendy to the point that it annoys me. Then again, Asher is not a bad name either, and there are still several I like that Seth isn't on board with. I like Evan or Charles (Charlie) after my dad. I also like William Charles and call him Liam, but Seth thinks his family should get all the naming glory since it's a boy and will carry on his family name. Whatever. I think he needs to let go of his ego. :) It is a good thing I love the man so dearly or I would probably hurt him sometimes.

Hopefully my next blog won't take so long to get around to. I want to keep a record of my thoughts so that I can print this off and keep it for the baby, tucked away in the back of his baby book, perhaps.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What No One Ever Told Me

On one of my pregnancy message boards, people were posting their thoughts on things no one ever told them about being pregnant. That inspired me to come up with my own list:

10. No one ever told me that I would obsess so much daily over exactly what size my baby is, which parts he/she is capable of moving, whether or not he/she has eyelashes yet, etc.

9. No one ever told me that I would spend $1000 on baby furniture.

8. No one ever told me that my face would break out so severely. I thought pregnant women were supposed to have beautiful, glowing skin. Yeah right.

7. No one ever told me that I would have no desire to have sex whatsoever.

6. No one ever told me that I would stress out daily about whether or not my retroverted uterus has flipped, causing me to worry that the baby is getting crushed by my innards.

5. No one ever told me about how a month between doctor's appointments becomes an eternity, wanting to make sure that everything is OK.

4. No one ever told me I would reconsider my career mainly because of worries about not having enough time at night to spend with my child.

3. No one ever told me how insensitive my husband would be to my sickness and pain and that he would be such a baby about doing most things around the house even though I am exhausted and throwing up.

2. No one ever told me how morning sickness lasts morning, noon, and night (especially at night).

1. No one ever told me how morning sickness does not go away for weeks on end.

Momma Said There'll Be Days Like This, There'll Be Days Like This My Momma Said

I have been feeling so much better the last few weeks, but the nausea is still there in full force at times. I threw up several times last night, but usually if I keep food in my stomach I am OK. My students finally started asking me if I was pregnant this week, and they said they could tell because I am showing. Most of my friends and family still don't really think I am showing, but I think students are more observant because they are always checking you out and being critical. After a couple students got up the nerve to ask me if I was pregnant, a lot of the other kids (mostly girls) said they knew I was pregnant but just didn't want to say anything about it (just in case I wasn't). They do have some manners sometimes. :)

I am about 14 1/2 weeks right now which means I am in my second trimester (very exciting to be 1/3 done with this misery known as pregnancy). I have a doctor's appointment next week, and at my next appointment after that, I should be about 19 or 20 weeks, which I believe means I will get the ultrasound telling me for sure whether I am having a boy or girl.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Haha, It's Ugly!!!

Just for fun, I decided to see what it would look like if my mate procreated with Angelina Jolie. I figured it would have huge lips about half the size of its head, but it doesn't. :( It is a very ugly kid, though.

What do you think about my little new baby Bastard? - What will your baby look like?

Baby #4 is Baby #3's Twin

What do you think about my little new baby BB? - What will your baby look like?