Saturday, December 6, 2008

Momma Said There'll Be Days Like This, There'll Be Days Like This My Momma Said

I have been feeling so much better the last few weeks, but the nausea is still there in full force at times. I threw up several times last night, but usually if I keep food in my stomach I am OK. My students finally started asking me if I was pregnant this week, and they said they could tell because I am showing. Most of my friends and family still don't really think I am showing, but I think students are more observant because they are always checking you out and being critical. After a couple students got up the nerve to ask me if I was pregnant, a lot of the other kids (mostly girls) said they knew I was pregnant but just didn't want to say anything about it (just in case I wasn't). They do have some manners sometimes. :)

I am about 14 1/2 weeks right now which means I am in my second trimester (very exciting to be 1/3 done with this misery known as pregnancy). I have a doctor's appointment next week, and at my next appointment after that, I should be about 19 or 20 weeks, which I believe means I will get the ultrasound telling me for sure whether I am having a boy or girl.

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