Friday, February 13, 2009

My Much-Anticipated Return

It has been a hectic life so far. Sometimes I get caught up in everything I have to do to be a responsible adult, and I let more fun pursuits such as blogging slip away. Hence, I have not blogged in over two months. I am a bad soon-to-be mom.

I am loving my son more and more all the time. It is really exciting now that I can feel him kicking and moving around, although most of the time, Seth still can't feel it. I tell him the baby doesn't like him because when he is kicking really hard and Seth feels my belly, the kicking stops or softens. Maybe it is just that Seth has a soothing touch. Who knows.

We are still undecided on a name. William will be the middle name, but for a first name, Seth is stuck on Asher, and I am just not 100% sold on it. I like it, but I am not as crazy about it as Seth is. I brought up Cohen a day or so ago after Seth mistakenly said "Cohen" rather than "Curran" when he was trying to remember the name his friend Holly mentioned to him. I like the name Cohen William. I think Cohen sounds distinguished and cool but also not super unique or trendy to the point that it annoys me. Then again, Asher is not a bad name either, and there are still several I like that Seth isn't on board with. I like Evan or Charles (Charlie) after my dad. I also like William Charles and call him Liam, but Seth thinks his family should get all the naming glory since it's a boy and will carry on his family name. Whatever. I think he needs to let go of his ego. :) It is a good thing I love the man so dearly or I would probably hurt him sometimes.

Hopefully my next blog won't take so long to get around to. I want to keep a record of my thoughts so that I can print this off and keep it for the baby, tucked away in the back of his baby book, perhaps.

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