Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's a Boy! Maybe?

Today I had an appointment, and my baby daddy went this time because we were told we would get to hear the baby's heartbeat by Doppler radar. When it came time to listen to the heartbeat, the doctor was unable to hear it the first time, so he went to get a different Doppler that would perform a deeeper reading. He was still unable to hear it and ordered an ultrasound to try to see the heartbeat.

The ultrasound tech. lady tried to perform a belly ultrasound first, got nothing, then did an internal one. When she did, we got a good view of the baby. We saw a little dark spot down between the baby's legs at first, and my baby dad said it looked like a girl to him. After changing angles, the ultrasound tech. agreed with me that it looked like there was a penis and some boy parts, and the baby dad saw it too. She said it is really too early to tell, but if she had to guess, it looks like a boy to her.

I asked my baby dad if he would still love it if it turned out to be a he/she.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Near Midnight in the Garden of Eden

I have been so sick during this pregnancy that I often wonder why. I understand physiologically why it happens, but it still doesn't make sense to me. Supposedly our bodies are made to accomodate certain natural events...like exercise, sex, etc. Our bodies are made to accomodate such things and adjust so that these things are safely possible. So why does my body hate being pregnant so much? Why is my body rejecting a natural process? I was wondering and complaining about this to my hubby a few days ago, and he said, "It's because you ate the forbidden fruit."

Now, he has a point there, and my first thought was, "Wow, you're right!" But my second thought was, "Why doesn't EVERY woman get sick then?" In the Bible it says that woman would pay for her sin by pain in childbirth and man would pay for his sin by breaking his back in work, and here I am in the 21st century having to do both. And on top of it, I don't think I should have to pay for that B Eve's sin any more than I should have to pay reparations to African-Americans for slavery. HELLO! I wasn't there.

Unfortunately, it's not my choice.